Profile Verification

Profile Verification

Both Employment and Education Verification

Total Price: Rs.

With' all-new Profile Verification Service you can now have your profile credentials verified and then apply to jobs so to get short-listed by recruiters instantly.
Your verified profile will also win you recruiters' trust and give you an edge over other candidates with unverified profiles.

With 'Employment Verification' you can
. Get your employment (current) verified.
. Enhance your profile visibility.
. Build recruiters trust on your professional achievements.
. Apply to desired jobs with utmost confidence.
. Enhance your chances of getting more interview calls.
. The amount paid for Profile Verification is refundable.


Profile Verification - Frequently Asked Questions

What is Profile Verification Service?

With Profile verification Service, you can get your profile's credentials (academic & employment) verified by us, and win recruiter's trust to get more interview calls. As per your need, you can secure our Education verification service (for verifying highest education), Employment verification service (for verifying current, previous or both employments) and Education + Employment Verification Service (for verifying both education & employment).

How do you do profile verification?

We locate and establish contact with your previous & current employers (for Employment Verification Service), college or university (for Education Verification Service) and both (for Education + Employment Verification Service), to process your profile verification. Three attempts are made to contact the concerned parties, failing which, the verification report reflect the verification status as "not verified".